adult income prediction

adult income prediction

A end-to-end data analysis pipeline including model deployment

Heart atk website

Heart atk website

We have made a tool for the prediction of Heart Attack using Machine Learning Model. We have also made a...

Character Network Flask

Character Network Flask

A Flask app that processes text of a book and outputs visualizations based on characters.



Our product "DrLeaf" which not only makes the work easier but also reduces the effort and expenditure of the farmer...



Public repository for my Machine Learning Internship at ACM IIT Dhanbad as part of League of Code 2.0.

fruit classifier app flask

fruit classifier app flask

A simple fruit classifier built with fastai and flask

Harvest Nepal

Harvest Nepal

delivering agriculture solutions using machine learning and Flask

advanced python techniques

advanced python techniques


Python 进阶知识的文档网站,主要包括 Python 在主流应用领域的方向路线、日常的开发工具及规范设计、Python 常用包与模块、高级核心专题、进阶书籍的阅读笔记总结、主流 Web 开发框架、工程实践及部分源码剖析的经验总结等。(长期持续更新中...)

ml xception

ml xception

🐶 Deploy a predictive classification model for dog breeds using Flask + Keras!

ml pipeline analyzer

ml pipeline analyzer

Python package that analyze, visualize and suggest any changes to the machine learning pipeline

IPL Predict Player Values

IPL Predict Player Values

Predict player values based on IPL



This repo contains an End to End Implementation of the business problem (whether a person will generate revenue from the...



🔷 Diamond Price Prediction Model 🔷 - A machine learning project for accurately forecasting diamond prices. Explore data exploration, feature...

BigMart Sales Prediction Using Flask

BigMart Sales Prediction Using Flask

The aim is to build a predictive model and find out the sales of each product at a particular store....

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