A test OAuth 2.0 authorization server to test some OAuth 2.0 features. Built with Flask and authlib.

Social Bookmarking Website using Python Flask

Social Bookmarking Website using Python Flask

In this project, I have worked on Python 3 using Flask Virtual Environment to create a Social Bookmarking Website for...



Authorization service by roles based on JWT tokens



By @r kras

OIDC Service Provider for Flask applications

flask static OIDC protector

flask static OIDC protector

Simple Flask app to provide access to static website through OpenID Connect / OAuth2.0 authorization.

flask application template

flask application template

Flask application template with all functionalities such as migrations, logging, model, View, schema, controller, flask admin, flask login, .env, authentication,...

authorization hero

authorization hero

Authorization for Flask



By @r kras

A CAS Server that uses SAML as an IDP - python Flask



Web application for creating private voting with authorization via VK.

Backend APIs Flask SQLAlchemy

Backend APIs Flask SQLAlchemy

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), schema design, database migration, testing REST APIs, Identity Access Management (IAM), secure REST APIs, server deployment, CI/CD...

steam wishlist

steam wishlist

A backend-focused project focused on storing games and users in a database with CRUD and user authentication/authorization

REST APIs using Flask SQLAlchemy Postman

REST APIs using Flask SQLAlchemy Postman

In this project, I have worked with Flask to create REST APIs for all CRUD operations for Book Management through...



This project is a workspace for practicing and showcasing different set of skills related to the web development. It includes...

user management service

user management service

A Flask service for managing user registration, authentication and authorization.

flask api

flask api

A simple, light-weight Flask+SQLAlchemy boilerplate

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