flask restful login

flask restful login

Flask restful service consists of register, login, logout, reset password and some data routes. It includes a few example routes...

flask admin boilerplate

flask admin boilerplate

Flask Admin Boilerplate with MongoDB



Flask + Layui Fly Template实现的一个社区项目,使用flask-admin实现了简单的后台管理功能,数据库使用Mongodb,前台实现功能:用户注册、登录、邮件激活、发帖、回帖、点赞、回复、采纳、删帖、结贴等功能



By @Seva D

FastAdmin is an easy-to-use Admin Dashboard App for FastAPI/Flask/Django inspired by Django Admin.



Web-framework for BDD: scalable, configurable, easy to use, based on Flask Admin and Pydantic.



By @yxx

一个开源的flask CMS系统(已经停止维护😊)

School Bus Tracking

School Bus Tracking

Bus Tracking system with Python server and 2 Andoid apps for Parent and Driver

Online Hotel Management System

Online Hotel Management System

A Flask web application to implement a Hotel Management system with dynamic Room Listings, Booking facility, Admin console, Billing Facility...

flask dashboards

flask dashboards

Flask Dashboards - Admin Panels coded in Flask | AppSeed

Online Hotel Management System

Online Hotel Management System

A Flask web application to implement a Hotel Management system with dynamic Room Listings, Booking facility, Admin console, Billing Facility...

flask adminlte

flask adminlte

Bootstrap AdminLTE template adapted to the flask framework

notifications admin

notifications admin

GOV.UK Notify frontend application

flask admin dashboards

flask admin dashboards

Flask Dashboards - Admin Panels coded in Flask | AppSeed

full stack flask smorest

full stack flask smorest

By @飘尘

Full Stack Flask Rest Api with JWT, Celery , Swagger and Admin backend manager.

python mysql admin panel generator

python mysql admin panel generator

Python MySQL Admin-panel Generator (MAGE), a Python Flask tool that helps you create a Python Flask CRUD system for any...

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