python flask microservice

python flask microservice

Skeleton of a Microservice built with the Flask

LXC Web Panel

LXC Web Panel

LXC Web Panel repository

flask gentelella

flask gentelella

Gentelella template powered by Flask



CeSI is a web interface for managing multiple supervisors from the same place.

headscale webui

headscale webui

A simple Headscale web UI for small-scale deployments.

flask session cookie manager

flask session cookie manager

:cookie: Flask Session Cookie Decoder/Encoder




[很多问题在维修中, 作者疫情期间忙碌,很多问题无法及时处理] 准备v3.0 Beta, v2.2维护少| OS鹿 | Python Flask开源网站

tradingview webhooks bot

tradingview webhooks bot

a framework 🏗 for trading with tradingview webhooks!

swagger py codegen

swagger py codegen

a Python web framework generator supports Flask, Tornado, Falcon, Sanic

minimal django

minimal django

A lightweight Django project - because Django can be nearly as simple as a microframework

docker flask example

docker flask example

A production ready example Flask app that's using Docker and Docker Compose.



By @ptpb

pb is a formerly-lightweight pastebin and url shortener



By @Sam

Self-hosted outdoor activity tracker :bicyclist:

gae init

gae init

Google App Engine based on Python, Flask, RESTful, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features

data driven web apps with flask

data driven web apps with flask

Course demo code and other hand-out materials for our data-driven web apps in Flask course