Layout and Painting in Flutter

Layout and Painting in Flutter

Sample Flutter projects using RenderObjects in Flutter

nativescript vue examples

nativescript vue examples

🍈 NativeScript and Vue code samples.

Kasuku Muvi

Kasuku Muvi

LiveData, Dagger2, RxJava2, Pagination, et al - Packed together as sample movie listing app



Kotlin Multiplatform App to test KhronosGroup glTF Sample Models



XamarinUI add to shopping cart sample

ocr google vision

ocr google vision

Sample project demonstrating how OCR can be implemented using Google Vision library

MotionLayout Example

MotionLayout Example

MotionLayout is a new class available in the ConstraintLayout 2.0+ library to help Android developers manage motion and widget animation...



Grab sample demo app

Kotlin Android Architecture Components

Kotlin Android Architecture Components

A sample of Android Architecture Components

xamarin shopping cart

xamarin shopping cart

XamarinUI add to shopping cart sample

android ble peripheral central

android ble peripheral central

Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between server/peripheral to client/central sample



This is a sample Android application to show how to bind Javascript code to Android code.



An app to mirror an android device and view it from an iPhone/mac/windows/linux device. (With samples!!! :D)

chrome custom tabs

chrome custom tabs

Sample code, which demonstrates the usage of Chrome Custom Tabs with action buttons, menu items and compares it with opening...

addin droid

addin droid

Sample 1C:Enterprise AddIn with Java interop on Android.

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