android compose mvi navigation

android compose mvi navigation

GithubCompose is a sample project that uses Compose + MVI + Navigation Component to presents a modern approach to Android...

Design Pattern Samples App

Design Pattern Samples App

🎨 Exploring creational,structural and behavioral design patterns using Kotlin

RecyclerView Examples

RecyclerView Examples

Samples to learn about RecyclerView



Sample app to demonstrate MVP (Model - View - Presenter) architecture in android

Android KotlinInTests

Android KotlinInTests

This is a sample app that is part of blog posts I have written about how to test android applications...



A sample Android Studio Project showing using a Recyclerview as a Table View.

LiveData DataBinding Kotlin

LiveData DataBinding Kotlin

Sample to practice LiveData + DataBinding

OpenCV Android Object Detection

OpenCV Android Object Detection

This is sample code for object detection using OpenCV on android

glide support

glide support

Android application to test out issues from the Glide image loading library



A sample movie app, developed on flutter, then on android

100ms android

100ms android

By @100ms

Android Video Conferencing App using 100ms SDK

realm kotlin samples

realm kotlin samples

By @Realm

Samples demonstrating the usage of Realm-Kotlin SDK



Embedded Crosswalk 77 webview based sample project.

gemini chat

gemini chat

a sample project using Gemini, the Google's latest family of large language models.

camera kit reference

camera kit reference

Documentation and samples of Snap's Camera Kit SDK. For the high-level documentation of Camera Kit, please visit:

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