

An instant messaging client with user-friendly interface, complete functions, and extensibility. | 界面友好,功能完善,可拓展的即时通讯客户端。

FCM OnDeviceNotificationScheduler

FCM OnDeviceNotificationScheduler

Demo implementation to Schedule FCM Notifications on Android Device using AlarmManager + WorkManager.

macos push tester

macos push tester

Native mac app for easily sending Apple APNs push notifications to iOS apps and FCM push notifications to Android apps.

awesome android learning

awesome android learning

🤖 Curated list of awesome Android articles and resource



Android Push Notification in Ruby: The fastest client for FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)

push notification server

push notification server

Server code to send Push Notification to iOS or Android device

Kotlin Firebase Group Chat

Kotlin Firebase Group Chat

Group and OneonOne chat using firebase built in Kotlin similar to whatsapp.

push tester

push tester

npx script for testing push messages, no installation required, supports iOS & Android

android module pushmanager

android module pushmanager

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Wrapper for Android



FCM : FirePush is a lightweight Kotlin/Android library to send FCM push notifications to Android, iOS & Web like a...



Finally, push notification framework that does not hurt. currently supports Android (FCM) and iOS (APNs)

flutter FCM

flutter FCM

Flutter-3.0 Firebase Messaging, Foreground, and Background Notifications + Topic Subscription and Handle Redirection



Send firebase notifications to your users very easily: A new Android Lib



Sample code to demonstrate how to implement push notifications in Xamarin.Forms with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

Flutter FCM

Flutter FCM

A simple example of firebase push notification with flutter

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