contacts and sms reports

contacts and sms reports

Phone contacts and SMS messages report documents from your smartphone or tablet

luvdid mobile

luvdid mobile

This project was developed using Phonegap, Bootstrap framework, Materialize framework & Codeigniter API.



By @咕咚

A bootstrap project for Android.

clean android bootstrap

clean android bootstrap

This project contains my example implementation of the Clean Architecture applied on an Android application, based on my studies and...

android bootstrap
create android app

create android app

Efficient and opinionated android project structure I use as a template to bootstrap my Android Apps. Leverages OkHttp3 + Retrofit...

SIH_Goa_Info_Web Android_App

SIH_Goa_Info_Web Android_App

Source codes for Android App made using cordova for SIH Competition. This Android lets you updated about the history origin...

kafka zookeeper

kafka zookeeper

kafka和zookeeper结合的项目,剔除了业务逻辑The combination of Kafka and zookeeper eliminates the business logic

Angular Ionic
Cordova High Watch

Cordova High Watch

A highway watching hybrid mobile application made using the Cordova Framework

Tutoring Service

Tutoring Service

Tutoring service app from the viewpoint of a manager

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A framework to bootstrap containerised cloud native applications with cross device support and API integration

biznomy esteem

biznomy esteem

Esteem motors is an personalized app, built using biznomy framework for automobile dealers to interact with car owners and sharing...

Desarrollo de Aplicaciones

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